Saturday, 27 February 2010

Ian Glick????????

Wooo, theres a name from the past.Glicky left a message on the last post!Wow, i havent seen glicky and Jen for i dont know how long.It must be 20 years,easy!!!!Great to here from you.We are a couple of hours south of Bordeaux, in a small village called Saubion.You can Google Earth it we are next to Lagrollet .
Just had more amazing waves on the same bank at Les Casernes.Saturday afternoon 3pm and just 3 othrer guys.4-5 ft offshore and pumping ,super consistant,flawless left and right peaks.Soo much fun!
I did a couple of days work for Jez in his workshop this week and there is more to come;If i can pick up a couple of days work each week then i can spend the rest of the time working here and still be productive
Lola is on school holidays AGAIN,so she had 3 nights at Nana Moniques place, running amok with her cousin,as she does without mum and dad.She came back sooo tired and all she will want to do this weekend is sleep.

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