Sunday, 1 June 2008

The demolition has begun;i want to get the walls down this week,but it will be slow as i want to salvage the hand made bricks,really rough terracotta bricks which are very thin ,around 25-30 mm.I should have enough for the end wall,great feature.So i'll have to be gentle so as not to damage any,which should be slow but the mortar is a lime mix so its not very strong and falls off easily.
Could be good waves this week!
Too much rain ,I'm over the rain!
Shame we cant send our rain to Vicco coz i've had enough and you sure need it
Iwent to spain to fill up my car and it cost me $aus155.00.It would have been another 20 odd dollars if i'd bought it here.Its exy here when we have to drive 2 cars and are bothdriving 30-40 mins to get to work.Cant wait to move closer.We'll save a lot of time and money


kaye said...

Hi brian, corinne. and gorgeous lola. Hope this time i can get a message on your blog. I love reading ALL your news and have tried to leavr a comment befor this but it just hasnt worked. so will keep this short Love kaye

kaye said...

Wow!!! I am so excited that it worked. I have actually posted a comment that I can read back. Have a fun time working on the demo of the house. I just love all the photos. I am still eating the yummy chocolates so thank you again. More news to you soon. I'll send a photo or 2 of Barrys new super barn. The boat hasn't made it in yet but he has set it up with all a guy needs for an escape place. The wood heater went in this week and the paving around it is happening! He loves it and now only commutes to the city for work about 2-3 days a week cos he likes working from home now!Love Kayexxx