Sunday, 11 September 2011

front gates, timber floors, back to school

Sorry about the long hiatus!

summer holidays are over and Lola is back at school.She has started her next level at the college level(junior high),which is another step up in workload and homework, which in my opinion they were already overloaded with!

It wasnt exactly super hot this summer but we still had plenty of beach time.We are having an indian summer now with more good weather expected;the waves were typically summer type waves with not much for me to get excited about and although small ,they werent very user friendly for the kids.Lola had quite a few sessions but wasnt super keen this year until her last session(last week)that had some perfect little 2ft waves and she couldnt get enough of it.

The seasons have changed and we are now getting some strong swells from the hurricanes in USA.

Work has been slow so i've been getting lots done here at home installing the front gates, which still need to be painted as they were on special as ex display models and are a bit weathered, but still a bargain at 200euros.With Karls help this week we layed the new floor upstairs and recovered the stairs in solid boards.They came prefinished in a sort of oldish looking limed look.Which we are not completely happy with as its got a little yellowy tinge to it and isnt quite the way it looked in the showroom;Anyway ,thats what we have ,and apart from the colour it has changed the whole look of the stairs and hte floor upstairs now looks even and finished.

We are aitnig for the tiles for downstairs and hope to have them delivered in the next week or two.That will be a big job and i want to get into that while karl is still here coz its too much for me to do alone.

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