Tuesday, 31 August 2010

summer in France

Summer in France means beach ,packed beaches even on days with crappy weather,warm water with small waves and lots of tourists.The water temp is about 22-23° ,pleasant swimming temp and the waves are generally small which is a change from the strong and powerful waves and currents that make these beaches very dangerous and not really user friendly for kids or unwary, uneducated tourists that can live a long way from the beach.Drownings are not uncommon here and i am sure that i prevented what could have been a possibilty if i hadnt informed the lifesavers who unfortunately werent really watching what was going on .A guy swimming a long way from the flags was caught in a rip and i saw him struggling a long way from shore;After telling the lifesavers,one of them swam out but as the crowd watched what was going on ,others continued to swim in this rip as the other LS blew his whistle and waved to them to move, they just waved back,familys with young kids too.It amazes me to see all the warning signs in the carparks and next to the tracks but so many people take their young kids to swim in unsupervised areas;its not like Oz ,where everyone can swim.I'm amazed at how many people cant swim here.

The waves have been small for the last 2 months and i havent been surfing much .I still get in the water when we have a little pulse of swellthat may last a couple of days.But mostly I've been hanging out at the beach with Lola,swimming with her and taking her surfing in perfect little kids learning waves of not much bigger that a foot at times.She has progressed well and is catching the waves on her own now.I still need to help her as her surfboard is so big and bulky she has trouble getting it in the right position.Its big and being so big its very stable so its easy for her to get up to her feet, but also easy to catch waves too.We're going surfing this afternoon as the waves are small and low tide is at 2pm.2 days left in the holidays and its back to school on Thursday.Finally after 8 weeks

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