Friday, 4 June 2010


Sorry I havent been updating very often but i've been busy working.I had to build a catwalk for Element surfwear for the release of their new range.I had to build it and then transport it to San Sebastian, assemble it on sunday,which was a big day(12 hours) and then return to unassemble and pack it up and bring back monday night.We started about 9pm and got back here about morning we unloaded and had to get the hire truck back.It was big hours but it paid well.Jez has had me busy with lots of work and theres more to come building stands for a trade show next month.

Ive been surfing a little more(nothing special) and the water is warming up.Shame ,my shoulder is still giving me trouble with physio work twice a week,sometimes too sore to surf,other times its ok.

Barry leaves Paris today and Kaye leaves next week.Sounds like they had a great time.

Not much has changed with the house as i havent had time to do much

I'll try and update more regularly

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