Sunday, 27 December 2009

Merry Christmas everyone.

It was a merrry xmas here with 13 of us for dinner on Xmas eve.All except 2 stayed the night and we wrapped it up about 3am after a big night with plenty of good food and plenty of good wine to match.I cooked a big leg of lamb and a Chapon which is a castrated rooster bred and fed up for festive occasions.3 kgs of amazingly tasty,tender,juicy poultry like ive never tasted before,surely a treat!We started with some oven baked nibblys and then the traditional oyster starter and smoked salmon to follow .We opted not to serve the foie gras as we were running behind and the main course was ready.Some sensational cheeses followed and then finished off with some delicious French patisseries and the ice cream log.OOHHHH!!!!5 bottles of champagne, 2 bottles of White wine and 5 bootles of red.Not bad considering 4 werent drinking.A great night was had by all
Lola received lots of presents and was surely rewarded for the excellent results that she received at school.Well done for a great year Lola.And well done to myself and Corinne for a successful night!

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