Saturday, 11 April 2009

ROOF IS ON!Not finished but on .This week was huge and i need a coupla days off.I'm knackered!!Too old for this s--t.Murph and Howey put in some hard days and we were expecting rain yesterday and it did,so murph called in some more manpower and by 12.30 the tiles were up and on .Big changes .Strange but lucky that good friday isnt a public holiday here so we could lay the tiles before murph heads back to oz for a coupla weeks

1 comment:

Weiry and Mandy said...

G'day mate! The house looks like it's coming together really nicely, well done!! Great to see the changes.
Well we are back home now, arrived early Sunday morning and then had a bit of a frenzy with the crew at the Anzac Club that afternoon/evening.
Mandy's back at work today, about time, and I'm going to start repainting the flat with the aim of putting it on the market around spring and buying a semi.
Bombers had a great win on Saturday over Carlton!!!!
Take care and I'll give you a call next wekend.
Love to the girls.
Weiry & Mandy