Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Australia day

I hope everybody had a good Australia day.We celebrated here with a magnificent meat pie and backed it up with some jelly for dessert.I took the day off work and went surfing.Had some great waves again.The waves have been pumping here for the last few weeks.It is very cold today and it will be cold for the rest of the week into the weekend.We have a northerly wind which is a very cold wind that blows right through you.So we need to rug right up with gloves, hat ,thick coat and scarf.beautiful clear days,so at least its sunny.Its too cold to paint so i'll do a little timber wok this week.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

I was right!

Yes the conditions delivered today with perfct 4ft barrels and not another surfer in sight.I went up to les casernes this morning to find perfect conditions.I called rob and he couldnt get away from work and jez was in Berlin so i had to surf on my own. After 2hrs i came in absolutely wasted and reminded me of why i love living here so much.World class waves again!Lucky Corinne doesnt know as she wont let me surf on my own.Lucky she doesnt read the blog!Check out these shots i took with my little waterproof camera

Monday, 18 January 2010

The shoulder is good and i would havs surfed today but the swell was way too solid ,about 8-10 ft and needed to drop a little.Tomorrow looks promising.I took some photos which i've attatched.It doesnt look very big in the shots but in realiity not really surfable.

Stocked up on more firewood saturday.This lot,2steres,actually a little more(2 Tonnes) should last 4-5 weeks.80 euros for 2 steres is a lot cheaper than the 200 euros it would cost per month for electric heating

Thursday, 14 January 2010

No ligament damage,but still sore!Maybe back in the water by next week.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

WE did get the snow that was expected on sunday,not much but it did snow.
Had some cold but excellent waves this morning.4ft barrelling double-ups with a perfect but cold offshore wind.I was on my own for nearly an hour and then Jezz paddled out to enjoy the perfection with me.It did come at a price as i injured my shoulder as i was pulling into a bigger one.Unfotunatly it feels like i've torn a ligament which could meen a couple of months out of the water;Not happy!.It was the best session in about 6months,at least i got a few under my belt before it happened

Saturday, 9 January 2010

No snow yet

We are the only region in France that has not had snow this week.It has been cold enough for it with the temp just above zero most days.Yesterday we had a top of zero with a brisk northerly wind,clear blue sky ,the wind chill factor made it feel a lot colder.The ground is so cold it has frozen solid.Luckily the days have mostly been clear with light winds so its kind of bearable.Tomorrow could be another story with a big possibility of snow!

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

not again!

Oh No!! More snow on the way later this week!!
It might put an end to the run of waves i've been getting the past few days.Very good waves between3-5ft clean and not too cold